The Art of Upselling: Boosting Sales at Concession Stands

At concession stands, mastering the art of upselling and suggestive selling can significantly impact your bottom line. In this article, we’ll delve into the strategies, tips, and techniques that can help concession stand owners and operators increase their sales through these powerful methods. Whether you’re serving popcorn, nachos, or slushies, these upselling tactics can elevate your concession game and enhance your profits.

Understanding Upselling and Suggestive Selling

What Is Upselling?

Upselling is the art of convincing customers to purchase a higher-end or more expensive item than they initially intended. It’s about guiding them toward premium choices that enhance their overall experience.

The Power of Suggestive Selling

Suggestive selling involves recommending complementary or additional items to what the customer is already purchasing. It’s a subtle nudge that can lead to extra sales without feeling pushy.

Effective Strategies for Upselling

The Value-Add Approach

One of the most effective ways to upsell is by highlighting the added value of a premium product. Show customers how upgrading their order can lead to more substantial servings, extra toppings, or enhanced flavors.

Bundle Deals and Combos

Create irresistible bundle deals that combine items at a slightly discounted price. This encourages customers to buy more while feeling like they’re getting a good deal.

Timing Is Key

Choose the right moment to suggest an upsell. For example, when someone orders a medium-sized drink, you could say, “Would you like to make it a large for just a dollar more?” Timing can significantly impact the success of your upselling efforts.

Mastering the Art of Suggestive Selling

The Art of Recommendation

Train your staff to make thoughtful and personalized recommendations. If a customer orders a hot dog, your employee might suggest adding chili and cheese for an enhanced flavor experience.

Upsize the Order

When taking orders, offer larger portion sizes as the default option. Many customers will simply accept the default, leading to higher sales.

Combo Suggestions

Suggest popular combinations, such as pairing a soda with nachos or adding a side of fries to a burger or hot dog order. These combinations often resonate with customers looking for a complete meal.

Implementing Upselling and Suggestive Selling at Your Concession Stand

Staff Training

Invest in comprehensive staff training to ensure your employees are confident and skilled in upselling and suggestive selling techniques. Role-play scenarios can help them practice real-life situations.

Menu Design

Craft your menu in a way that naturally encourages upselling and suggestive selling. Highlight premium options and bundle deals, and use eye-catching visuals.

Digital Integration

Consider implementing digital ordering systems that suggest add-ons and upsell items automatically during the ordering process. This technology can significantly boost your sales.

The Allen Associates Advantage

Elevating Your Concession Stand

At Allen Associates, we understand the importance of maximizing your profits. Our Proven Profit Programs are designed to support your concession stand’s success. With top-quality supplies, superior equipment, comprehensive training, point-of-sale materials, and service/maintenance, we provide the tools and ideas to help you boost your bottom line.

Upsell Your Way to Success

Mastering the art of upselling and suggestive selling can transform your concession stand from a modest enterprise to a thriving business. By implementing these strategies, training your staff, and partnering with Allen Associates, you can increase profits, make your customers happier, and take your concession stand to new heights of success.


1. What is the difference between upselling and suggestive selling?

Upselling involves convincing customers to purchase a higher-end or more expensive item, while suggestive selling entails recommending complementary or additional items to enhance the customer’s order.

2. How can I train my staff to excel in upselling and suggestive selling?

Invest in comprehensive staff training programs that include role-playing scenarios and real-life practice. Ensure your employees understand the techniques and can apply them effectively.

3. What role does timing play in successful upselling?

Timing is crucial in upselling. Suggest upgrades or additional items at the right moment, such as when customers are making their initial selections.

4. How can digital ordering systems help with upselling?

Digital ordering systems can suggest add-ons and upsell items automatically during the ordering process, increasing the chances of customers accepting these recommendations.

5. How can Allen Associates support my concession stand in upselling and suggestive selling?

Allen Associates provides Proven Profit Programs that offer top-quality supplies, superior equipment, comprehensive training, point-of-sale materials, and service/maintenance to help concession stand owners succeed in upselling and suggestive selling.